Thursday 23 December 2010


UK KFA hosted a public meeting "Defend People's Korea",Despite the relative short notice
and appalling weather conditions causing transport disruption the attendance was good with the room being packed.The meeting was held in North Tower Room 1 of the Conway
Hall Red Lion Square Central London.

Dermot Hudson UK KFA official delegate and chairman opened the meeting.He explained that the danger of war had been averted thanks to the peace loving stand of the DPRK and
patience and forebearance of the Korean People's Army.The message of greetings to the meeting from Shaun Pickford was read out and the statement of the Staffordshire Regional Committee of the KFA.A message of apolegy for non attendance came from Kevin Cain Organisation secretary of UK KFA.

Dermot Hudson explained that a war had been averted owing to the just peaceloving stance of the DPRK and KPA and their patience in not retaliating against the reckless
provocations of the south Korean fascist puppets.The speaker then explained the background to the Yongphyong Island incident of November 23rd.He said it could traced
back to illegal imposition of the so called "northern limit line" which was not in the
original Korean Armstice Agreement of July 27th 1953 but was imposed by unilateral
diktat by US general Clark.Korea itself had artifically divided by the US imperialists in
1945 and the US imperialists had provoked the Korean War in 1950.

The speaker explained that clashes over the northern limit line had taken place in 1999
2002,and 2009.Yongphyong island is actually inside DPRK territorial waters so firing live
shells is a serious action violating the territorial intregity of the DPRK.Tensions have grown
this year owing to the US and south Korea faking up the "Cheonan " incident.The speaker
said it would unlikely that civilians really present on Yongphyong island but it is not
correct military safety procedure anyway to have civillians present during live firing.He
concluded by calling for the maximum efforts to defend the DPRK bastion of independence
and socialism.
Mervyn Drage Communications secretary of UK KFA reported on the communications
work of UK KFA.He also said he was angry that the British government had sided with
the US and south Korea in the UN Security Council to block a resolution from the
China and the Russian Federation calling for peace in Korea.

Michael Chant spokesman of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain Marxist Leninist and secretary of Friends of Korea of the UK spoke as guest speaker,He denouced the cold war propaganda against the DPRK.He said it is vital for progressive
people to defend the DPRK.The struggle of the DPRK is our struggle.

Speakers from the floor denouced the hostile propaganda against the DPRK and pointed
out that US troops suppressed the peoples committees in south Korea in 1945 only to
rig up a puppet regime.
Dermot Hudson pointed out it was the 19th anniversary of the election of the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il as supreme commander of the Korean People's Army.He had performed great exploits in skillfully leading the building of the people;s revolutionary
armed forces of the DPRK.He also praised Madame Kim Jong Suk as a great revolutionary heroine who built up the woman's movement in Korea and liberated
DPRK literature including a biographies of leader Kim Jong Il and Madame Kim Jong Suk
was exhibited.

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