UK KFA hosted a public meeting "Defend People's Korea",Despite the relative short notice
and appalling weather conditions causing transport disruption the attendance was good with the room being packed.The meeting was held in North Tower Room 1 of the Conway
Hall Red Lion Square Central London.
Dermot Hudson UK KFA official delegate and chairman opened the meeting.He explained that the danger of war had been averted thanks to the peace loving stand of the DPRK and
patience and forebearance of the Korean People's Army.The message of greetings to the meeting from Shaun Pickford was read out and the statement of the Staffordshire Regional Committee of the KFA.A message of apolegy for non attendance came from Kevin Cain Organisation secretary of UK KFA.
Dermot Hudson explained that a war had been averted owing to the just peaceloving stance of the DPRK and KPA and their patience in not retaliating against the reckless
provocations of the south Korean fascist puppets.The speaker then explained the background to the Yongphyong Island incident of November 23rd.He said it could traced
back to illegal imposition of the so called "northern limit line" which was not in the
original Korean Armstice Agreement of July 27th 1953 but was imposed by unilateral
diktat by US general Clark.Korea itself had artifically divided by the US imperialists in
1945 and the US imperialists had provoked the Korean War in 1950.
The speaker explained that clashes over the northern limit line had taken place in 1999
2002,and 2009.Yongphyong island is actually inside DPRK territorial waters so firing live
shells is a serious action violating the territorial intregity of the DPRK.Tensions have grown
this year owing to the US and south Korea faking up the "Cheonan " incident.The speaker
said it would unlikely that civilians really present on Yongphyong island but it is not
correct military safety procedure anyway to have civillians present during live firing.He
concluded by calling for the maximum efforts to defend the DPRK bastion of independence
and socialism.
Mervyn Drage Communications secretary of UK KFA reported on the communications
work of UK KFA.He also said he was angry that the British government had sided with
the US and south Korea in the UN Security Council to block a resolution from the
China and the Russian Federation calling for peace in Korea.
Michael Chant spokesman of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain Marxist Leninist and secretary of Friends of Korea of the UK spoke as guest speaker,He denouced the cold war propaganda against the DPRK.He said it is vital for progressive
people to defend the DPRK.The struggle of the DPRK is our struggle.
Speakers from the floor denouced the hostile propaganda against the DPRK and pointed
out that US troops suppressed the peoples committees in south Korea in 1945 only to
rig up a puppet regime.
Dermot Hudson pointed out it was the 19th anniversary of the election of the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il as supreme commander of the Korean People's Army.He had performed great exploits in skillfully leading the building of the people;s revolutionary
armed forces of the DPRK.He also praised Madame Kim Jong Suk as a great revolutionary heroine who built up the woman's movement in Korea and liberated
DPRK literature including a biographies of leader Kim Jong Il and Madame Kim Jong Suk
was exhibited.
Thursday, 23 December 2010
Friday, 10 December 2010
Students take to the streets of London in protest at cuts and fee hikes, once again clash with riot police. Police set up a flash point to start the riot near parliament square, by deleberately blocking the march from continuing along the earlier designated route along Whitehall to Embankment. No doubt the police face cuts in spending, and by deliberatly setting up acts of provocation and riot flashpoints, they hope to avoid cuts in spending, i.e overtime for kettling, reduction in police numbers, etc. Also with this kind of police provocation, it attempts to smear the student campaign, by setting up riot flash points en -route to provoke students and workers into rioting and with this, give the right wing media all the "riot porn" (i.e the "planting" of a police van among protestors in a previous demonstration) they need to discredit the protestors. Kettling protestors in for hours on end, serves as "punishment" for protesting, for rising up against the system, and serves the police who want funding to continue without cuts.
The students and working people will not be intimidated by these acts of police provocations and will only serve to enrage the people even more. The minority that media love to trumpet on about starting the "acts of vandalism and violence" are made up of two groups....1....the government with their acts of violence against peoples living standards and rights, and 2....on the day of the protests and revolts against the system....the POLICE are the true instigators and violent minority that start the trouble. They were indeed outnumbered by the sheer numbers of people onto the streets fighting and resisting the cuts and unable to control the situation.
Force must be met by force....they attack....we counter attack. Only revolutionary MASS FORCE BY THE PEOPLE meted out to the perpertrators and instigators of violence...i.e. the police and government will topple this government and eventually the system.
The police should remain aware, that after yesterdays actions by the police to provoke a violent confrontation with the protestors, that they, the police, will ultimately fail to punish or intimidate protestors. The people will not be intimidated by the police and will mete out just punishment, like yesterday in ever more force in the future.
We will not be intimidated, shaken or moved by the vicious moves by the hated UK COPS.
photos from the
See links to photos
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Anger at the lines
Friday, 26 November 2010
Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir Paul Stephenson, said today that he had "no record" of police officers on horseback charging at protesters.
A spokesman later added "Police horses were involved in the operation, but that did not involve charging the crowd. I dare say they were doing the movements the horses do to help control the crowd for everyone's benefit, which has been a recognised tactic for many, many year, but no, police officers charging the crowd – we would say 'no they did not charging the crowd." Apparently charging is a "quite specific term" according to this spokesman.
These 16 images, taken from the same spot with a high speed dSLR, proves them wrong.
The first image, taken at 18:09:24 shows a line of riot police that had been pushing a few hundred protesters back along Whitehall toward Trafalgar Square with a line of police horses in the distance. The riot officers suddenly withdrew to the sides.
The second image was shot at 18:10:10 (46 seconds later) and shows police horses travelling at speed through where hundreds of protesters had been standing seconds before. The next 14 images cover a period of 8 seconds. A number of people lost shoes in the general stampede away from the charging horses.
London 24th November
The Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK and Juche Idea Study Group of England today issued the following statement in support of the statement of the KPA Supreme Command issued 23rd November in connection with the incident in the West Sea of Korea.
We support the just and revolutionary stand of the of the Korean People's Army in countering the aggression and provocation of the south Korean colonial fascist puppets wirepulled by the US imperialists.
The US imperialists and south Korean puppets went ahead with the provocative "Hoguk"
exercises despite warnings from the DPRK not to and denunication by the world progressive people.Many warnings were given to the south Korean puppets over a period
of time.
Yonphyong island is an illegal south Korean puppet military base actually within the
territory of the DPRK.The south Korean puppets now admit sheepishly they were the
ones who fired first.We congratulate the Korean People's Army for taking such prompt
action to defend the socialist homeland.It it the Korean Peoples Army that is defending
Juche socialism and the independence and sovereignity of the DPRK.It is a revolutionary
anti imperialist revolutionary armed force and the army of the people,the working class,the
revolution and the Party.The KPA does not just talk but takes resolute action.The KPA
and DPRK say what they mean and mean what they say.
We bitterly condemn the US imperialists,Japanese miltarists and assorted international
imperialist reactionaries for fanning war hysteria and attempting to interferere in the
situation.We demand that the US imperialists turn back the USS George Washington.
Moreover we,ASSPUK and JISGE say,it is high time for the US to withdraw from Korea.
The Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK and Juche Idea Study Group of England today issued the following statement in support of the statement of the KPA Supreme Command issued 23rd November in connection with the incident in the West Sea of Korea.
We support the just and revolutionary stand of the of the Korean People's Army in countering the aggression and provocation of the south Korean colonial fascist puppets wirepulled by the US imperialists.
The US imperialists and south Korean puppets went ahead with the provocative "Hoguk"
exercises despite warnings from the DPRK not to and denunication by the world progressive people.Many warnings were given to the south Korean puppets over a period
of time.
Yonphyong island is an illegal south Korean puppet military base actually within the
territory of the DPRK.The south Korean puppets now admit sheepishly they were the
ones who fired first.We congratulate the Korean People's Army for taking such prompt
action to defend the socialist homeland.It it the Korean Peoples Army that is defending
Juche socialism and the independence and sovereignity of the DPRK.It is a revolutionary
anti imperialist revolutionary armed force and the army of the people,the working class,the
revolution and the Party.The KPA does not just talk but takes resolute action.The KPA
and DPRK say what they mean and mean what they say.
We bitterly condemn the US imperialists,Japanese miltarists and assorted international
imperialist reactionaries for fanning war hysteria and attempting to interferere in the
situation.We demand that the US imperialists turn back the USS George Washington.
Moreover we,ASSPUK and JISGE say,it is high time for the US to withdraw from Korea.
Thursday, 25 November 2010
On November 24, students marched and clashed with police in London and other cities today in a national walkout and day of protest against tuition fees and education cuts. Smoke grenades, fireworks and paint/spray cans were set off, and fires lit around parts of London as protestors clashed with police. Later in the afternoon, police on horseback mounted attacks on demonstrators by suddenly charging them at high speed. Police also used gas in their attempts to disperse protestors. Many protestors were held in a police cordon, between police lines, known as a “kettle” for several hours before being released 2 at a time, then 10 at a time later in the evening. A number of protestors managed to break out of that cordon, and have the police surrounded. Protestors understood that keeping mobile and moving about quickly avoided them being kettled by police. Police made repeated attempts to kettle more protestors that arrived in the evening, but the protestors escaped police control tactics and marched unhindered around central London, with angry students lighting fires, and shop windows and cars belonging to the rich being smashed.
Many universities have also been occupied by students and are currently ongoing.
See links for detailed reports and photos:
Many universities have also been occupied by students and are currently ongoing.
See links for detailed reports and photos:
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Communique Issued by KPA Supreme Command
Pyongyang, November 23 (KCNA) -- The Supreme Command of the Korean People's Army Tuesday released the following communique:
The south Korean puppet group perpetrated such reckless military provocation as firing dozens of shells inside the territorial waters of the DPRK side around Yonphyong Islet in the West Sea of Korea from 13:00 on Nov. 23 despite the repeated warnings of the DPRK while staging the war maneuvers for a war of aggression on it codenamed Hoguk, escalating the tension on the Korean Peninsula.
The above-said military provocation is part of its sinister attempt to defend the brigandish "northern limit line," while frequently infiltrating its naval warships into the territorial waters of the DPRK side under the pretext of "intercepting fishing boats."
The revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK standing guard over the inviolable territorial waters of the country took such decisive military step as reacting to the military provocation of the puppet group with a prompt powerful physical strike.
It is a traditional mode of counter-action of the army of the DPRK to counter the firing of the provocateurs with merciless strikes.
Should the south Korean puppet group dare intrude into the territorial waters of the DPRK even 0.001 mm, the revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK will unhesitatingly continue taking merciless military counter-actions against it.
It should bear in mind the solemn warning of the revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK that they do not make an empty talk.
There is in the West Sea of Korea only the maritime military demarcation line set by the DPRK.
The south Korean puppet group perpetrated such reckless military provocation as firing dozens of shells inside the territorial waters of the DPRK side around Yonphyong Islet in the West Sea of Korea from 13:00 on Nov. 23 despite the repeated warnings of the DPRK while staging the war maneuvers for a war of aggression on it codenamed Hoguk, escalating the tension on the Korean Peninsula.
The above-said military provocation is part of its sinister attempt to defend the brigandish "northern limit line," while frequently infiltrating its naval warships into the territorial waters of the DPRK side under the pretext of "intercepting fishing boats."
The revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK standing guard over the inviolable territorial waters of the country took such decisive military step as reacting to the military provocation of the puppet group with a prompt powerful physical strike.
It is a traditional mode of counter-action of the army of the DPRK to counter the firing of the provocateurs with merciless strikes.
Should the south Korean puppet group dare intrude into the territorial waters of the DPRK even 0.001 mm, the revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK will unhesitatingly continue taking merciless military counter-actions against it.
It should bear in mind the solemn warning of the revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK that they do not make an empty talk.
There is in the West Sea of Korea only the maritime military demarcation line set by the DPRK.
Monday, 22 November 2010
A march to demand an end to the war in Afghanistan was held in London on Saturday 20 November. It was organised by the groups, Stop the War Coalition, CND and British Muslim Initiative.
About 5000 people took part . The protesters carried banners saying “Freedom in Gaza” and “Free Palestine”, as well as the banners calling for an end to the Afghan war, placing these conflicts under the same umbrella.
Chanting along the route:
“Obama, Camaron, this will be your Vietnam”
“Free, Free, Palestine”
“You say warfare we say welfare”.
Some of the “Stop the War Coalition” stewards were overzealous in the policing of the march, being quite aggressive to photographers trying to record the event under the impression that media personel would somehow constitute a physical danger to the demonstrators.
At the rally in Trafalgar Square, the main thrust of the speeches was the “illegality” of the war and the length of a conflict that has lasted longer than the First and Second World Wars put together.
After the rally, the crowd drifted off and a few protestors decided to go along Whitehall to try and continue the demonstration.
Additional info… the crowd that left to go along Whitehall set up tents outside Downing street to further protest the war in Afghinstan and remain camped out there there until at least Monday
At the rally in Trafalgar Square, For Bolshevism-AUCPB set up the red flag, then distributed the paper “For Bolshevism in side the communist and workers’ movment”, handing out Korean Friendship Association (KFA) leaflets and carrying out explanitory work to people at the rally. However, once again, For Bolshevism AUCPB was subjected to attack from one “passer-by” who took an instance disliking to the red flag by marching over to it screaming her head off like some lunatic, and trying to forcibly remove it from the fence it was hanging on. The person failed in the atempt as FB apprehended in a timely fashion by wresting the person from the area where the flag was hanging. Many Russian speakers especially young people from the ex-USSR came over to speak and have their photos taken in from the red flag of Bolshevism and support what we are doing.
About 5000 people took part . The protesters carried banners saying “Freedom in Gaza” and “Free Palestine”, as well as the banners calling for an end to the Afghan war, placing these conflicts under the same umbrella.
Chanting along the route:
“Obama, Camaron, this will be your Vietnam”
“Free, Free, Palestine”
“You say warfare we say welfare”.
Some of the “Stop the War Coalition” stewards were overzealous in the policing of the march, being quite aggressive to photographers trying to record the event under the impression that media personel would somehow constitute a physical danger to the demonstrators.
At the rally in Trafalgar Square, the main thrust of the speeches was the “illegality” of the war and the length of a conflict that has lasted longer than the First and Second World Wars put together.
After the rally, the crowd drifted off and a few protestors decided to go along Whitehall to try and continue the demonstration.
Additional info… the crowd that left to go along Whitehall set up tents outside Downing street to further protest the war in Afghinstan and remain camped out there there until at least Monday
At the rally in Trafalgar Square, For Bolshevism-AUCPB set up the red flag, then distributed the paper “For Bolshevism in side the communist and workers’ movment”, handing out Korean Friendship Association (KFA) leaflets and carrying out explanitory work to people at the rally. However, once again, For Bolshevism AUCPB was subjected to attack from one “passer-by” who took an instance disliking to the red flag by marching over to it screaming her head off like some lunatic, and trying to forcibly remove it from the fence it was hanging on. The person failed in the atempt as FB apprehended in a timely fashion by wresting the person from the area where the flag was hanging. Many Russian speakers especially young people from the ex-USSR came over to speak and have their photos taken in from the red flag of Bolshevism and support what we are doing.
Friday, 19 November 2010
London 18th November 2010
The UK Korean Friendship Association issued a statement denouncing the
holding of the "Hoguk 2010" exercises.
The exercises involve 70,000 troops of the US and south Korean puppet
armies.They are in essence a warmed up version of the old Team Spirit
exerices which for decades threatened peace on the Korean peninsula and
the world.The Hoguk exercises are the latest in a series of anti DPRK war
provocation exercises which have been carried out continously this year on
the spurious pretext of the so called "Cheonan case".The "Cheonan " case
is a false flag conspiracy which proved false by the peace and justice
loving peoples of the whole world.
As the content of the exercise involves landing operations this can only
be a rehearsal for the advance party of an invasion of the DPRK and
attempt at seizing control of the DPRK and stifling people centred Juche
Socialism by force of arms.Such an exercise is reckless and foolhardy in
the extreme as it could provoke a nuclear armed conflict.
The Hoguk exercises throw a wet blanket over moves to ease inter Korean
relations. These aggressive exercises prove that the US imperialists are
not sincere about relaxing tension on the Korean peninsula
We call on the US imperialists and south Korean puppets to halt these
exercises at once !
We call on all friends of Korean and peace loving progressive people to
campaign against the Hoguk exercises
Dermot Hudson
Official Delegate KFA UK
London 18th November 2010
The UK Korean Friendship Association issued a statement denouncing the
holding of the "Hoguk 2010" exercises.
The exercises involve 70,000 troops of the US and south Korean puppet
armies.They are in essence a warmed up version of the old Team Spirit
exerices which for decades threatened peace on the Korean peninsula and
the world.The Hoguk exercises are the latest in a series of anti DPRK war
provocation exercises which have been carried out continously this year on
the spurious pretext of the so called "Cheonan case".The "Cheonan " case
is a false flag conspiracy which proved false by the peace and justice
loving peoples of the whole world.
As the content of the exercise involves landing operations this can only
be a rehearsal for the advance party of an invasion of the DPRK and
attempt at seizing control of the DPRK and stifling people centred Juche
Socialism by force of arms.Such an exercise is reckless and foolhardy in
the extreme as it could provoke a nuclear armed conflict.
The Hoguk exercises throw a wet blanket over moves to ease inter Korean
relations. These aggressive exercises prove that the US imperialists are
not sincere about relaxing tension on the Korean peninsula
We call on the US imperialists and south Korean puppets to halt these
exercises at once !
We call on all friends of Korean and peace loving progressive people to
campaign against the Hoguk exercises
Dermot Hudson
Official Delegate KFA UK
Interview to the Ukrainian Left Press (23/12/2008)
23 December 2008
Interview of a member of the Communist Organization of Greece to the Ukrainian Left Press
- Tell our readers about yourself. Do you participate in the revolt?
Nikos: All the members and sympathizers of the Communist Organization of Greece (KOE) are actively participating in the revolt all over Greece, and I am not an exception.
- The revolt in Greece goes on for more than two weeks. We know that the violence of police, that killed a 15 years old antifascist, affected people. But media says nothing about social situation that pushed people to the streets. Could you say why thousands go to the street?
Nikos: The cold-blood murder of Alexis Grigoropoulos triggered a social protest that rapidly took the characteristics of a revolt. The youth, and especially the secondary education students, are in the frontline of this wave of protests that overwhelmed the whole country: from the capital Athens and other big cities, as Thessaloniki, Patra, etc., until the smallest towns of the countryside. Indeed, dozens of thousands get to the streets every day. The murder of Alexis spilled over the social discontent that accumulates since long time, and increased further during the last months. The current episode of the capitalist crisis was the coronation of a long period of attacks against the social and democratic rights of the broad popular masses. Since 20 years, the youth and the working people of Greece witness a continuous degradation of their living standards. The unemployment, the low salaries and pensions, the rapid increase of the basic goods’ prices, the lack of future for the youth … all this situation, together with the continuous financial scandals that implicate the two main bourgeois parties as well as many businessmen and the Church, fed the social discontent, increased the political crisis and became the base of this revolt.
- What the people on the street demands?
Nikos: The first and most important demand is that all those responsible for the murder of Alexis must pay for their crime: from the policeman who assassinated him in cold blood, to the government who has unleashed a huge attack against the youth and the people. All this is embodied in the main slogan of the demonstrators: “Down with this government of murderers!”. Here I must say that there are dozens of police murders during the last years, and their perpetrators always remain unpunished – this increases the justified anger of the youth. After the first days, when the revolt became more conscious and political, a series of other concrete demands were added, concerning the defence of the democratic rights, the abolition of all the legislation against the social security rights of the workers and the unemployed, against the privatization of the public services, of the education and of the health system, for the increase of salaries and pensions, etc.
- Media shows only "men with masks", who "provoke disorder". Who is on the streets of Athens now? What role are the anarchists from the "black block" playing, and who is the real force of the revolt?
Nikos: The mainstream Media would be funny, if they were not dangerous. They have a very selective way of viewing and reproducing the reality. They show indeed only the “masked rioters”. They “cannot” see the combative demonstrations of dozens of thousands of youth and people all over Greece. They “cannot” see those thousands of students, who protest outside the police stations in each and every city, without any masks, just full of hate against this murderous system. They “cannot” see the dozens of thousands of working people who demonstrated during the General Strike. There are many groups in the streets of Greece: Socially, the main force is the youth. Politically, the main force is the Radical Left. The various trends of anarchists are of course participating actively; but they themselves admit that they were “surprised by the intensity and the duration of the revolt”.
- Police violence caused the revolt. Did masses on the street attack police or defend themselves from police violence?
Nikos: As I said before, in many cases the youth (and not the “masked rioters”) besiege the police stations – and often they defend themselves and throw stones, bottles, paint bags, eggs, etc. to the Special Forces. The barbarity of the police, the cynicism of the government and the continuous impunity of all the police criminals intensifies the anger of the people. The demonstrators want to make clear that this time they will not allow the murderer, who assassinated in cold blood a young boy that was not at all implicated in any incident, go unpunished. Also there were many cases where teachers, parents and bystanders liberated arrested young boys and girls from the hands of the police.
- How the big parties could use the revolt? Can the social-democrats from PASOK become the next government? What is their attitude towards the protesting masses? What is their difference from the right-wing party, which is now in the government? Will people become calm, if PASOK will enter government?
Nikos: There are two big bourgeois parties: the government right-wing party, “Nea Dimokratia”, and the social-democratic PASOK – in reality this is also a neoliberal party. PASOK is using the “ripe fruit” method: it is not asking the resignation of the government, and waits for the elections in order to exploit the government’s party degeneration. Many of its leading cadres have publicly turned against the movement and the Radical Left, accusing them for “complicity with the rioters” and asking the government to “impose the law”. The political crisis may lead to the formation of a “big bourgeois coalition” including both bourgeois parties, or to the electoral victory of PASOK. However, even in this second case, it is clear that if the present government will be chased by the people, PASOK will not be able to apply easily its anti-people program – they will be much more afraid of the people than they were before the revolt. The people have changed because of the revolt, nothing will be the same anymore.
- KKE is biggest left party in Greece. But we know it is not supporting the revolt. They say that revolt is in favour of the rightists. What can you tell about their policy? Do people support the position of KKE?
Nikos: This supposedly left party has now revealed fully its real face. KKE is very “revolutionary” in words – especially in periods of relative social calm. But when the situation becomes critical, this party always follows the camp of “law and order”. During the 2005 revolt in the French suburbs, they were accusing the French Left for not supporting the revolt! Then, it was “safe” to pretend that they are very revolutionary. However now, that the revolt takes place in Greece, they say it’s not a revolt but a “provocation organized by foreign powers”, and that “in a real revolt, the masses will not smash even one glass”! They have accused KOE and SYRIZA for “covering the rioters and conspirators”, and they received the congratulations of the government (and even of the extreme right-wing party LAOS) for their “responsible stand”. Now thousands of communists have lost their last illusions about the supposedly “revolutionary” character of KKE and turn their back to its leadership.
- The Radical Left Coalition SYRIZA plays an important role in revolt. Tell our readers more about this Coalition and about the tactics of SYRIZA in the struggle of last week. KKE says that SYRIZA is a destructive force that plays a dangerous game with "man in masks", is it true?
Nikos: The Radical Left Coalition is composed by several forces – the bigger one is the left reformist party “Synaspismos” and the second bigger is our Organization, KOE. We can say that SYRIZA, despite its weaknesses, was the only parliamentary party in Greece that stood by the side of the revolt, and that in many cases its forces, mainly KOE, played a protagonist role in the organization and the development of the ongoing struggle. The accusations of KKE against SYRIZA are identical with those that the government and the bourgeois Media are promoting against us. They are pure and conscious slandering.
- Tell us about the Communist Organization of Greece. Are you a part of SYRIZA? We know that your organization supports Maoism; is Chairman Mao popular amongst youth? Which tendency inside the Left movement is stronger now - Maoism, Trotskyism, pro-soviet communism, anarchism?
Nikos: Our Organization was officially formed in January 2003, after a long period of preparation. Actually it is the fastest developing left force, with organized presence in 40 cities all over Greece. Our origins are in the Communist and Marxist-Leninist Movement of Greece. We joined SYRIZA in June 2007 and, as its communist current, we played a decisive role in the growth of its influence, especially among the communists and the radical youth. In the past, Maoism was rather discredited in Greece, because there were several small groups claiming to be Maoist and rivalling each other about which one is the “real vanguard party” and which is “really Maoist” – they were spending more energy in such petty-quarrels than in organizing and leading the people, and they were copying mechanically what they thought to be Maoist without taking into account the national conditions… Thanks to KOE, a growing number of people start to approach the authentic work of Mao and of other revolutionaries, like Che; and, consequently, the Communist strategy and tactics. This includes the youth, while a few years ago the KKE and the anarchists were those having a crashing influence. The anarchists are still influencing (albeit not in a permanent way) a large portion of the youth. But we must not forget what Lenin said: “Anarchism is the price paid by the workers’ movement because of its opportunism”! And there was a lot of it in the official Greek Left!
- What mass struggle did achieved now? What is the perspective of revolt? Can revolt lead to revolution?
Nikos: The biggest achievement is that now it is proved beyond any doubt what we were always saying: The people and the youth are not passive, and it is possible to mobilize them and to wage mass radical struggles. Most “revolutionary” forces, from KKE to the anarchists, have a very bad idea about the potential of the people and of the youth: they believe that the huge majority are “rotten individualist petty-bourgeois”, and in reality they have no confidence to the masses, they do not believe that anything can change. On the contrary, KOE always believed that the only way is the hard way: to go to the people, to become one with the people, to listen to the people and to give them again faith that only the organized mass struggle can bring a real change. In September, we adopted the general orientation of KOE for the next two years: there, we were saying that we must prepare ourselves for the revolts that will break out because of the generalized crisis. That’s why the actual revolt did not catch us sleeping and surprised, as it happened with the KKE or the anarchists. We were working for it, we were getting prepared for it, and we took part in it from the first moment. We will see if the revolt will achieve to further marginalize the bourgeois parties; nothing is granted. A revolt is not a revolution, and the spontaneous character is prevailing in it. The sure thing is that the systemic forces have lost their influence over the youth – a whole generation has been baptised in the struggle, despite its confusion. A lot will depend now on the conscious work of the radical left forces, and especially of us, communists. The revolt has limits, including time limits – it cannot continue for ever. But it creates favourable conditions for the next revolts that will come because of the generalized crisis and because of the work of the communists, and it prepares them to be even deeper and more radical.
Interview of a member of the Communist Organization of Greece to the Ukrainian Left Press
- Tell our readers about yourself. Do you participate in the revolt?
Nikos: All the members and sympathizers of the Communist Organization of Greece (KOE) are actively participating in the revolt all over Greece, and I am not an exception.
- The revolt in Greece goes on for more than two weeks. We know that the violence of police, that killed a 15 years old antifascist, affected people. But media says nothing about social situation that pushed people to the streets. Could you say why thousands go to the street?
Nikos: The cold-blood murder of Alexis Grigoropoulos triggered a social protest that rapidly took the characteristics of a revolt. The youth, and especially the secondary education students, are in the frontline of this wave of protests that overwhelmed the whole country: from the capital Athens and other big cities, as Thessaloniki, Patra, etc., until the smallest towns of the countryside. Indeed, dozens of thousands get to the streets every day. The murder of Alexis spilled over the social discontent that accumulates since long time, and increased further during the last months. The current episode of the capitalist crisis was the coronation of a long period of attacks against the social and democratic rights of the broad popular masses. Since 20 years, the youth and the working people of Greece witness a continuous degradation of their living standards. The unemployment, the low salaries and pensions, the rapid increase of the basic goods’ prices, the lack of future for the youth … all this situation, together with the continuous financial scandals that implicate the two main bourgeois parties as well as many businessmen and the Church, fed the social discontent, increased the political crisis and became the base of this revolt.
- What the people on the street demands?
Nikos: The first and most important demand is that all those responsible for the murder of Alexis must pay for their crime: from the policeman who assassinated him in cold blood, to the government who has unleashed a huge attack against the youth and the people. All this is embodied in the main slogan of the demonstrators: “Down with this government of murderers!”. Here I must say that there are dozens of police murders during the last years, and their perpetrators always remain unpunished – this increases the justified anger of the youth. After the first days, when the revolt became more conscious and political, a series of other concrete demands were added, concerning the defence of the democratic rights, the abolition of all the legislation against the social security rights of the workers and the unemployed, against the privatization of the public services, of the education and of the health system, for the increase of salaries and pensions, etc.
- Media shows only "men with masks", who "provoke disorder". Who is on the streets of Athens now? What role are the anarchists from the "black block" playing, and who is the real force of the revolt?
Nikos: The mainstream Media would be funny, if they were not dangerous. They have a very selective way of viewing and reproducing the reality. They show indeed only the “masked rioters”. They “cannot” see the combative demonstrations of dozens of thousands of youth and people all over Greece. They “cannot” see those thousands of students, who protest outside the police stations in each and every city, without any masks, just full of hate against this murderous system. They “cannot” see the dozens of thousands of working people who demonstrated during the General Strike. There are many groups in the streets of Greece: Socially, the main force is the youth. Politically, the main force is the Radical Left. The various trends of anarchists are of course participating actively; but they themselves admit that they were “surprised by the intensity and the duration of the revolt”.
- Police violence caused the revolt. Did masses on the street attack police or defend themselves from police violence?
Nikos: As I said before, in many cases the youth (and not the “masked rioters”) besiege the police stations – and often they defend themselves and throw stones, bottles, paint bags, eggs, etc. to the Special Forces. The barbarity of the police, the cynicism of the government and the continuous impunity of all the police criminals intensifies the anger of the people. The demonstrators want to make clear that this time they will not allow the murderer, who assassinated in cold blood a young boy that was not at all implicated in any incident, go unpunished. Also there were many cases where teachers, parents and bystanders liberated arrested young boys and girls from the hands of the police.
- How the big parties could use the revolt? Can the social-democrats from PASOK become the next government? What is their attitude towards the protesting masses? What is their difference from the right-wing party, which is now in the government? Will people become calm, if PASOK will enter government?
Nikos: There are two big bourgeois parties: the government right-wing party, “Nea Dimokratia”, and the social-democratic PASOK – in reality this is also a neoliberal party. PASOK is using the “ripe fruit” method: it is not asking the resignation of the government, and waits for the elections in order to exploit the government’s party degeneration. Many of its leading cadres have publicly turned against the movement and the Radical Left, accusing them for “complicity with the rioters” and asking the government to “impose the law”. The political crisis may lead to the formation of a “big bourgeois coalition” including both bourgeois parties, or to the electoral victory of PASOK. However, even in this second case, it is clear that if the present government will be chased by the people, PASOK will not be able to apply easily its anti-people program – they will be much more afraid of the people than they were before the revolt. The people have changed because of the revolt, nothing will be the same anymore.
- KKE is biggest left party in Greece. But we know it is not supporting the revolt. They say that revolt is in favour of the rightists. What can you tell about their policy? Do people support the position of KKE?
Nikos: This supposedly left party has now revealed fully its real face. KKE is very “revolutionary” in words – especially in periods of relative social calm. But when the situation becomes critical, this party always follows the camp of “law and order”. During the 2005 revolt in the French suburbs, they were accusing the French Left for not supporting the revolt! Then, it was “safe” to pretend that they are very revolutionary. However now, that the revolt takes place in Greece, they say it’s not a revolt but a “provocation organized by foreign powers”, and that “in a real revolt, the masses will not smash even one glass”! They have accused KOE and SYRIZA for “covering the rioters and conspirators”, and they received the congratulations of the government (and even of the extreme right-wing party LAOS) for their “responsible stand”. Now thousands of communists have lost their last illusions about the supposedly “revolutionary” character of KKE and turn their back to its leadership.
- The Radical Left Coalition SYRIZA plays an important role in revolt. Tell our readers more about this Coalition and about the tactics of SYRIZA in the struggle of last week. KKE says that SYRIZA is a destructive force that plays a dangerous game with "man in masks", is it true?
Nikos: The Radical Left Coalition is composed by several forces – the bigger one is the left reformist party “Synaspismos” and the second bigger is our Organization, KOE. We can say that SYRIZA, despite its weaknesses, was the only parliamentary party in Greece that stood by the side of the revolt, and that in many cases its forces, mainly KOE, played a protagonist role in the organization and the development of the ongoing struggle. The accusations of KKE against SYRIZA are identical with those that the government and the bourgeois Media are promoting against us. They are pure and conscious slandering.
- Tell us about the Communist Organization of Greece. Are you a part of SYRIZA? We know that your organization supports Maoism; is Chairman Mao popular amongst youth? Which tendency inside the Left movement is stronger now - Maoism, Trotskyism, pro-soviet communism, anarchism?
Nikos: Our Organization was officially formed in January 2003, after a long period of preparation. Actually it is the fastest developing left force, with organized presence in 40 cities all over Greece. Our origins are in the Communist and Marxist-Leninist Movement of Greece. We joined SYRIZA in June 2007 and, as its communist current, we played a decisive role in the growth of its influence, especially among the communists and the radical youth. In the past, Maoism was rather discredited in Greece, because there were several small groups claiming to be Maoist and rivalling each other about which one is the “real vanguard party” and which is “really Maoist” – they were spending more energy in such petty-quarrels than in organizing and leading the people, and they were copying mechanically what they thought to be Maoist without taking into account the national conditions… Thanks to KOE, a growing number of people start to approach the authentic work of Mao and of other revolutionaries, like Che; and, consequently, the Communist strategy and tactics. This includes the youth, while a few years ago the KKE and the anarchists were those having a crashing influence. The anarchists are still influencing (albeit not in a permanent way) a large portion of the youth. But we must not forget what Lenin said: “Anarchism is the price paid by the workers’ movement because of its opportunism”! And there was a lot of it in the official Greek Left!
- What mass struggle did achieved now? What is the perspective of revolt? Can revolt lead to revolution?
Nikos: The biggest achievement is that now it is proved beyond any doubt what we were always saying: The people and the youth are not passive, and it is possible to mobilize them and to wage mass radical struggles. Most “revolutionary” forces, from KKE to the anarchists, have a very bad idea about the potential of the people and of the youth: they believe that the huge majority are “rotten individualist petty-bourgeois”, and in reality they have no confidence to the masses, they do not believe that anything can change. On the contrary, KOE always believed that the only way is the hard way: to go to the people, to become one with the people, to listen to the people and to give them again faith that only the organized mass struggle can bring a real change. In September, we adopted the general orientation of KOE for the next two years: there, we were saying that we must prepare ourselves for the revolts that will break out because of the generalized crisis. That’s why the actual revolt did not catch us sleeping and surprised, as it happened with the KKE or the anarchists. We were working for it, we were getting prepared for it, and we took part in it from the first moment. We will see if the revolt will achieve to further marginalize the bourgeois parties; nothing is granted. A revolt is not a revolution, and the spontaneous character is prevailing in it. The sure thing is that the systemic forces have lost their influence over the youth – a whole generation has been baptised in the struggle, despite its confusion. A lot will depend now on the conscious work of the radical left forces, and especially of us, communists. The revolt has limits, including time limits – it cannot continue for ever. But it creates favourable conditions for the next revolts that will come because of the generalized crisis and because of the work of the communists, and it prepares them to be even deeper and more radical.
Thursday, 11 November 2010
During the 40,000 strong student march against tuition fees, a few hundred students stormed the Conservative Party Headquarters on Millbank and occupied the reception area. The 15 foot tall plate glass windows on the ground floor were all smashed.
The police were heavily outnumbered and endured a constant barrage of missiles including placards, bottles and cobble stones dug up from the pavement.
A number of protesters ran past police lines and succeeded in making to the roof of the building to the delight of the crowd below. They let off fire extinguishers before dropping one into the small group of riot police directly below. Fortunately, it seemed to miss. At least eight police and protesters were taken to hospital.
More than just a student protest, more of an anti-cuts anti-tory revolt on the streets vy all sections of the population, and a sign of more to come.
Let this usher in the start of more such militant actions.
During the 40,000 strong student march against tuition fees, a few hundred students stormed the Conservative Party Headquarters on Millbank and occupied the reception area. The 15 foot tall plate glass windows on the ground floor were all smashed.
The police were heavily outnumbered and endured a constant barrage of missiles including placards, bottles and cobble stones dug up from the pavement.
A number of protesters ran past police lines and succeeded in making to the roof of the building to the delight of the crowd below. They let off fire extinguishers before dropping one into the small group of riot police directly below. Fortunately, it seemed to miss. At least eight police and protesters were taken to hospital.
More than just a student protest, more of an anti-cuts anti-tory revolt on the streets vy all sections of the population, and a sign of more to come.
Let this usher in the start of more such militant actions.
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
KFA International meeting report
The KFA International meeting in support of the June 15th North-South
Joint Declaration and the proposal for founding the Confederal Democratic
Republic of Koryo, was concluded very successfully in the context of the
10th Anniversary of the KFA.
On 23rd October Juche 99, (saturday), the internal meeting started in the
Hotel Amrey Sant Pau, located in the heart of Barcelona city (Spain).
At 10.30 all delegates arrived to the meeting, including:
- Bjornar Simonsen, KFA International Counselor
- Mana Sapmak, KFA Official Delegate in Thailand
- Alejandro Cao de Benos, President of the KFA
- Trever Aritz, KFA Official Delegate in Spain
- Jon Metauten, KFA Zone Delegate in Basque Country (Spain)
- Joel Majem, KFA Zone Delegate in Catalonia (Spain)
Bjornar, Joel and Alejandro sat on the presidential table.
Attendance in the morning meeting was around 20 people. Only the closest
KFA members and officials were invited.
The meeting room was decorated with the flag of the DPRK, the portraits of
our Great Leaders KIM IL SUNG and KIM JONG IL, a big picture of our Great
Leader KIM JONG IL with President Kim Dae Jung and several posters created
for the occassion by KFA members.
The meeting opened with the 'Song of National Defence' that is also the
official anthem of KFA. All delegates sang together the march while
After the opening, speeches proceeded as follows:
- Mr. Joel Majem, ZD in Catalonia (because Barcelona belongs to Catalonia
area in Spain) gave a warm welcome to all delegates.
- Mr. Alejandro Cao de Benos, KFA President, read a congratulatory message
from our DPRK Embassy in Rome and later read the Key speech.
- Mr. Bjornar Simonsen, KFA International Counselor and OD in Norway.
- Mr. Mana Sapmak, KFA OD in Thailand.
- Mr. Trever Aritz, KFA OD in Spain.
- Mr. Dermot Hudson, KFA OD in UK.
- Mr. Martin Lotscher, KFA OD in Switzerland.
- Mr. Flavio Pettinari, KFA OD in Italy.
- Mr. Till Mosler, KFA Organization Secretary in Germany.
- Mr. Ciprian Pop, KFA OD in Romania.
- Mr. Yaroslav Karachevtsev, KFA OD in Ukraine.
- Mr. Manuel Arismendi, KFA OD in Chile.
- Mr. Luis Blanco, KFA OD in Venezuela.
- Mr. Airul Qaiz, KFA OD in Singapore.
After reading the speeches, Alejandro Cao de Benos read the message to be
conveyed to our Great Leader KIM JONG IL. It was approved unanimously by
all assistants.
Next point was the necessity to create the three following international
posts to assist KFA at international level due to our fast expansion:
Mr. Mana Sapmak was named International Organization Secretary.
Mr. Amadeu Rubio was named International Commissar.
After that, President Alejandro proceeded to award the new KFA badges to
senior KFA members. He also awarded new KFA member cards, DPRK table-flags
and Korea reunification t-shirts.
Next point in the agenda, was to choose the next place for the KFA
International Meeting of 2011. Mr. Bjornar Simonsen suggested to make it
in Oslo, Norway. It was agreed by all participants.
So far, KFA International meeting was realized in London (UK), Geneva
(Switzerland), Frankfurt (Germany), Bucharest (Romania), Fermo (Italy) and
Barcelona (Spain).
After this, the internal meeting was concluded and members had a joint
lunch in the restaurant. The lunch finished with cheers with champagne for
10 years of KFA.
In the afternoon, we received the visit of 3 mass media that wanted to
report the reunification conference that started at 5 PM:
EL PAIS, biggest and most important newspaper of Spain, made interviews to
KFA members.
TV3, Television of Catalonia. They made a 15 minute interview and
recorded a piece of the meeting that was broadcasted in the news program
to Catalonia region.
GARA, important newspaper in the Basque country of Spain. Also made a 2
hours interview.
The room was completely full at its maximum capacity, with more than 60
people joining from all places. Indeed we had request from more
than 200 people to attend, but because economical limitations we had to
book a private hotel with reduced space.
Alejandro gave a one hour presentation on the principles for Korea
reunification proposed by our Great Leader KIM IL SUNG and the history
through the different South Korean administrations.
After the conference, the public anxiously asked many questions during 2
hours without stop. Everybody was very happy and said that after the
conference they know the reality about Korea, that is very different from
the information of the mass media. They said that in 3 hours they could
learn more than in all their lives about the DPRK and its
people. All the public expressed their wish to visit the DPRK one day and
see the reality with their own eyes.
Many assistants that came to the KFA conference for the first time,
decided to join the organization and contribute to develop the friendly
relations with DPRK.
At 8 PM. The conference ended and all close KFA comrades had a joint
dinner together.
On sunday 24th in the morning, Mr. Joel Majem, organized a touristic visit
in Barcelona for all international delegates and friends that came from
other parts of the country
Joint Declaration and the proposal for founding the Confederal Democratic
Republic of Koryo, was concluded very successfully in the context of the
10th Anniversary of the KFA.
On 23rd October Juche 99, (saturday), the internal meeting started in the
Hotel Amrey Sant Pau, located in the heart of Barcelona city (Spain).
At 10.30 all delegates arrived to the meeting, including:
- Bjornar Simonsen, KFA International Counselor
- Mana Sapmak, KFA Official Delegate in Thailand
- Alejandro Cao de Benos, President of the KFA
- Trever Aritz, KFA Official Delegate in Spain
- Jon Metauten, KFA Zone Delegate in Basque Country (Spain)
- Joel Majem, KFA Zone Delegate in Catalonia (Spain)
Bjornar, Joel and Alejandro sat on the presidential table.
Attendance in the morning meeting was around 20 people. Only the closest
KFA members and officials were invited.
The meeting room was decorated with the flag of the DPRK, the portraits of
our Great Leaders KIM IL SUNG and KIM JONG IL, a big picture of our Great
Leader KIM JONG IL with President Kim Dae Jung and several posters created
for the occassion by KFA members.
The meeting opened with the 'Song of National Defence' that is also the
official anthem of KFA. All delegates sang together the march while
After the opening, speeches proceeded as follows:
- Mr. Joel Majem, ZD in Catalonia (because Barcelona belongs to Catalonia
area in Spain) gave a warm welcome to all delegates.
- Mr. Alejandro Cao de Benos, KFA President, read a congratulatory message
from our DPRK Embassy in Rome and later read the Key speech.
- Mr. Bjornar Simonsen, KFA International Counselor and OD in Norway.
- Mr. Mana Sapmak, KFA OD in Thailand.
- Mr. Trever Aritz, KFA OD in Spain.
- Mr. Dermot Hudson, KFA OD in UK.
- Mr. Martin Lotscher, KFA OD in Switzerland.
- Mr. Flavio Pettinari, KFA OD in Italy.
- Mr. Till Mosler, KFA Organization Secretary in Germany.
- Mr. Ciprian Pop, KFA OD in Romania.
- Mr. Yaroslav Karachevtsev, KFA OD in Ukraine.
- Mr. Manuel Arismendi, KFA OD in Chile.
- Mr. Luis Blanco, KFA OD in Venezuela.
- Mr. Airul Qaiz, KFA OD in Singapore.
After reading the speeches, Alejandro Cao de Benos read the message to be
conveyed to our Great Leader KIM JONG IL. It was approved unanimously by
all assistants.
Next point was the necessity to create the three following international
posts to assist KFA at international level due to our fast expansion:
Mr. Mana Sapmak was named International Organization Secretary.
Mr. Amadeu Rubio was named International Commissar.
After that, President Alejandro proceeded to award the new KFA badges to
senior KFA members. He also awarded new KFA member cards, DPRK table-flags
and Korea reunification t-shirts.
Next point in the agenda, was to choose the next place for the KFA
International Meeting of 2011. Mr. Bjornar Simonsen suggested to make it
in Oslo, Norway. It was agreed by all participants.
So far, KFA International meeting was realized in London (UK), Geneva
(Switzerland), Frankfurt (Germany), Bucharest (Romania), Fermo (Italy) and
Barcelona (Spain).
After this, the internal meeting was concluded and members had a joint
lunch in the restaurant. The lunch finished with cheers with champagne for
10 years of KFA.
In the afternoon, we received the visit of 3 mass media that wanted to
report the reunification conference that started at 5 PM:
EL PAIS, biggest and most important newspaper of Spain, made interviews to
KFA members.
TV3, Television of Catalonia. They made a 15 minute interview and
recorded a piece of the meeting that was broadcasted in the news program
to Catalonia region.
GARA, important newspaper in the Basque country of Spain. Also made a 2
hours interview.
The room was completely full at its maximum capacity, with more than 60
people joining from all places. Indeed we had request from more
than 200 people to attend, but because economical limitations we had to
book a private hotel with reduced space.
Alejandro gave a one hour presentation on the principles for Korea
reunification proposed by our Great Leader KIM IL SUNG and the history
through the different South Korean administrations.
After the conference, the public anxiously asked many questions during 2
hours without stop. Everybody was very happy and said that after the
conference they know the reality about Korea, that is very different from
the information of the mass media. They said that in 3 hours they could
learn more than in all their lives about the DPRK and its
people. All the public expressed their wish to visit the DPRK one day and
see the reality with their own eyes.
Many assistants that came to the KFA conference for the first time,
decided to join the organization and contribute to develop the friendly
relations with DPRK.
At 8 PM. The conference ended and all close KFA comrades had a joint
dinner together.
On sunday 24th in the morning, Mr. Joel Majem, organized a touristic visit
in Barcelona for all international delegates and friends that came from
other parts of the country
Thursday, 21 October 2010
photo report on Demonstration against the cuts, Downing street London
On 20 October 2010, on the day the coalition Government announce major and severe cuts in public sector spending in the domestic British economy, and a day after the announcement of an 8% cut in military spending, campaigners against the cuts assemble in London to march on Downing Street to object to the scale of the cuts.
They gathered in North London in two separate groups and meet together before marching the short distance to Downing Street. As they enter Whitehall, a large group splits away from the main march and attempts to move toward the entrance of Downing Street before being blocked by police.
Minor scuffles break out and smoke bombs were thrown.
The austerity measures bring forward predictions that almost a half a million public sector workers are to lose their jobs while the national welfare benefits provision is to be capped and reduced, thereby casting them into the private sector.
The austerity measures come as the United Kingdom continues to commit to financing British military forces in the ongoing occupation of Afghanistan, itself now approaching failed status as its September elections cartwheel into chaos with the discarding of almost a quarter of all votes cast in the election due to fraudulent activity.
As a result, the United Kingdom has now lost both its financial and tactical pre-text for a continuing presence in the country and is, therefore, likely to experience further economic misfortune if it does not commit to an immediate timetable for withdrawal.
Students from the University of London marched to Lincoln's Fields and met up with a variety of Trade Union groups to form a collective demonstration against the Government cuts in public expenditure. The march ended up outside Downing Street where a number of speeches were made by a number of Trade Union leaders, MP's, and other interested parties including Bob Crowe, Jesse Jackson, Jeremy Corbyn and Lindsay German.
There were a few scuffles as the march arrived outside of Downing Street due to a misdirection given by the Police. This resulted in some unnecessary violence which quickly dissipated.
By the time the speeches had finished, and there were many, most of the crowd had left leaving almost as many police as protestors; the police waited patiently outside Downing Street to ensure that no late, opportunistic, excursions near no.10 took place.
Afterwards a group of protestors left the march and occupied the building of the Department for Business Innovation & Skills
Downing Street, London, UK. October 20th 2010
SOAS activists occupy BIS
Around 20 people walked into the Department for Business Innovation & Skills making themselves at home just after 8pm, setting up tents, unravelling banners, with one even climbing lighting rigging inside the lobby. London, United Kingdom, 20/10/2010
BIS was chosen as a target according to a representative of SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies) as it is where Vince Cable (Liberal Democrat Business Secretary) works alongside a host of MP's.
The aim was to occupy the space and to pressurize Vince Cable to listen to the public, as the cuts brought to light today and the direction of the con-dem coalition government isn't right according to the students. They believe it is crucial their voices are heard.
After roughly 45 minutes police started taking people outside making 3 arrests on suspicion of criminal trespass, whilst others voluntarily left.
They gathered in North London in two separate groups and meet together before marching the short distance to Downing Street. As they enter Whitehall, a large group splits away from the main march and attempts to move toward the entrance of Downing Street before being blocked by police.
Minor scuffles break out and smoke bombs were thrown.
The austerity measures bring forward predictions that almost a half a million public sector workers are to lose their jobs while the national welfare benefits provision is to be capped and reduced, thereby casting them into the private sector.
The austerity measures come as the United Kingdom continues to commit to financing British military forces in the ongoing occupation of Afghanistan, itself now approaching failed status as its September elections cartwheel into chaos with the discarding of almost a quarter of all votes cast in the election due to fraudulent activity.
As a result, the United Kingdom has now lost both its financial and tactical pre-text for a continuing presence in the country and is, therefore, likely to experience further economic misfortune if it does not commit to an immediate timetable for withdrawal.
Students from the University of London marched to Lincoln's Fields and met up with a variety of Trade Union groups to form a collective demonstration against the Government cuts in public expenditure. The march ended up outside Downing Street where a number of speeches were made by a number of Trade Union leaders, MP's, and other interested parties including Bob Crowe, Jesse Jackson, Jeremy Corbyn and Lindsay German.
There were a few scuffles as the march arrived outside of Downing Street due to a misdirection given by the Police. This resulted in some unnecessary violence which quickly dissipated.
By the time the speeches had finished, and there were many, most of the crowd had left leaving almost as many police as protestors; the police waited patiently outside Downing Street to ensure that no late, opportunistic, excursions near no.10 took place.
Afterwards a group of protestors left the march and occupied the building of the Department for Business Innovation & Skills
Downing Street, London, UK. October 20th 2010
SOAS activists occupy BIS
Around 20 people walked into the Department for Business Innovation & Skills making themselves at home just after 8pm, setting up tents, unravelling banners, with one even climbing lighting rigging inside the lobby. London, United Kingdom, 20/10/2010
BIS was chosen as a target according to a representative of SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies) as it is where Vince Cable (Liberal Democrat Business Secretary) works alongside a host of MP's.
The aim was to occupy the space and to pressurize Vince Cable to listen to the public, as the cuts brought to light today and the direction of the con-dem coalition government isn't right according to the students. They believe it is crucial their voices are heard.
After roughly 45 minutes police started taking people outside making 3 arrests on suspicion of criminal trespass, whilst others voluntarily left.
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