Tuesday 22 March 2011


22 March – Glasgow – Scotland
Glasgow university occupation by students violently evicted by police.
A 49 day long occupation of the Hetherington Building at Glasgow University has today been violently evicted by cops. In response, occupiers, students and supporters have occupied the Senate Floor of Glasgow University.
Source: UK Indymedia

Today staff at the University of Bristol from the University College Union (UCU) were on strike over the proposed changes to the USS pension fund scheme. The proposals are currently to provide a two tier scheme, where existing members will continue with their final salary pension plans, but new members (or anyone who takes a substantial career break to start a family or because of illness) will be placed on a career average plan.

The USS pension fund is, and continues to be in good health, and UCU have proposed that any future stresses to the fund can more than be met by increasing contributions. Professor Brian Cantor, chair of the Employers' Pension Forum, has rejected UCU's request to continue talks, saying: 'we are not persuaded that it is appropriate to re-open formal negotiations, even with the involvement of Acas'.

Striking members of staff were joined on piket lines by numerous students carrying placards stating 'I support my lecturers.' A poll of Bristol University students conducted by the University of Bristol Union overwhelmingly found that students support the industrial action.

source Bristol Indymedia

18 March - Wales – Lecturers out on strike
UCU members took strike action across Wales, as part of a dispute across Britain against attacks on pensions
15 March – Southampton
Medirest workers in Unison trade union in Southhampton General Hospital are taking a second round of further strike action over three days. The low paid porters, cleaners, catering staff and domestic staff are striking over the firm’s refusal to pay wage arrears since 2006. They are also striking over conditions of training. They have vowed to keep striking until their demands are met.

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