Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Successful UK KFA AGM in London

Successful KFA Annual General Meeting


The annual general meeting of the UK KFA and also a meeting to mark the month of solidarity with the Korean people and 47th anniversary of the start of work of the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il at the CC of the WPK.

The meeting received greetings from International KFA president Alejandro Cao Benos , from Staffordshire KFA and from Councillor Carl Clark of Breckland Council.

Alejandro Cao De Benos said in his message:

Dear Comrades and friends,

I wish the UK-KFA national meeting will be successful and take measures to
serve as a launching platform for the KFA International Meeting to be held
in November in London , commemorating the 100th Birth Anniversary of
President Kim Il Sung.

Our recent opening of KFA branches in Venezuela , Argentina , New Zealand
and Bangladesh show once again the interest in the DPRK from the
progressive people's worldwide and further enhances the honor of our
organization as the biggest international entity supporting the country
and our Great Leaders Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il. For this reason to say
'I am member of the KFA' in Pyongyang , it means a honor of being part of
the Korean family and also a responsibility to proactively support and
defend our socialist system and way of life.

KFA UK was one of the very first branches that we established and since our very beginnings has been growing constantly due to your sincere

I would like to thanks our KFA officials in UK that have been working on a
daily basis and encourage everyone to do more work in the future to bring
greater knowledge about the DPRK to the world's people.

Looking forward to meet you and continue together our work,

Alejandro Cao de Benos
President of the KFA


Message from


Dear Friends,

May I on behalf on the Staffordshire KFA sincerely wish everybody involved in the national KFA AGM great success in their important and vital tasks in building and consolidating the KFA throughout the UK . Although there were sectarian and opportunist elements who wish to destroy the KFA as a campaigning organisation on behalf of the Korean people, these individuals and their issues have been resolved by the mandate of the vast majority of the KFA (UK) membership. We as a solidarity and friendship body will achieve further success in the run up to the Glorious 100th Birth Anniversary of the Great President KIM IL SUNG, the Sun of Humanity.


yours fraternally

Shaun Pickford

Staffordshire KFA

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Mesasge from:

Councillor Carl Clark said in his message.

The portrayal of the DPRK by the western media is for one aim only, that is to wipe all the good things that are going on in the DPRK there is a rich culture which hopefully i will be privelliged to see in October, i applaud the tenacity of the DPRK in standing up against the western powers and the bullying by the U.S and Israel to try and gain control of your valuable resources
which they are running out of.

The KFA Official Delegate opened the meeting . He said that the DPRK still
faced an intense threat from US imperialism and world imperialism and the south Korean puppets . The anti DPRK propaganda campaign continued unabated and had reached new levels . June 15 will be the 11th anniversary of the historic north -south declaration but the Lee Myung Bak puppets were trampling on the declaration . They had slandered the DPRK and gone to the extreme length of violently assailing the supreme dignity of the DPRK. The south Korean puppets had arrested pro reunification patriots such as the Rev Han. June 25th will be the start of the the month of solidarity with the Korean people and the anniversary of the provocation of the Korean (Fatherland Liberation War ) War by the US imperialists.

On a positive note , he said , June 19th will be the 47th anniversary of the start of the work of the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il at the central committee of the Workers' Party of Korea . Thus the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il has led the Korean revolution for nearly 5 decades. All the achievements of socialist Korea are associated with the leadership of the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il.

Next April 2012 will be the 100th anniversary of the birth of the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung Sun of Juche . UK KFA must organise significant celebrations of this event and must organise a preparatory committee if others fail to do so. UK KFA will also host the KFA international meeting in November.

The Organisation secretary of UK KFA gave a report of the organisational work of UK KFA. He said many achievements had been made such as organising pickets and the succesful book exhibition, He said that we must focus on organising the KFA international meeting in November and on the preparation for the 100th birth anniversary of the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung in April 2012.

Discussion was held on future activities of the UK KFA. It was stressed that a key role must to combat media disinformation.

A presentaton on the US provocation of the Korean War . The speaker said that it was clear that the US provoked the Korean War because John Foster Dulles visited south Korea only 5 days before the start of the war. The US saw the Korean War as the "rollback of communism" . They evacuated wives and children of US personnel only hours before the war started. The US imperialists killed 1,200,000 Koreans in the DPRK and used biological warfare.

Mention was made of the book "I fought in Korea " by Captain Julian Tunstall as well the reporting of Alan Winnington and Wilfrid Burchett.

Meeting concluded at 7pm