Monday 9 July 2012

Trotskyism is a tool of the capitalists ... Leninism is a weapon for the workers!

Last week, the Guardian asked whether Marxism was 'on the rise', and, after worrying about where all this agitation might end, went on to give a massive plug to the Trotskyist SWP's festival of disinformation, held every year in London under the name 'Marxism ----' (insert year here). A cursory look around the world at any point in the last 100 years would tell you that Marxism never went away. Marxists have led or been involved in every serious anti-capitalist struggle since Marxism came into existence, and, despite temporary reverses, communists still lead vast swathes of the world's poorest people in the life-and-death battle to rid the world of imperialist domination. Britain's own once powerful communist movement was decimated after the old CPGB gave up on revolution and started telling workers to support the Labour party instead. Today, though, with poverty, unemployment and debt spiralling out of control, and with the economic crisis set to get worse while imperialist wars get bigger and dirtier, it's certainly true that more and more people -- even in this still relatively cushioned imperialist heartland -- are joining the class struggle. They are finally waking up to the reality that this parasitic system has outlived its usefulness and has a future only in the past. Capitalism and imperialism have nothing to offer the vast masses of the world's people except deeper poverty, more crippling debt slavery, more barbarous wars and more devastating human and environmental waste and destruction. So it's not surprising that corporate media and politicians are desperate to persuade us that the pro-imperialists of the SWP are the people to join if you want to express opposition to capitalism in Britain. Opportunists and counter-revolutionaries of all kinds will be getting plenty more free advertising in the capitalist press from now on, precisely because they will be as much use to workers in overthrowing capitalism as chocolate is in making a pot to hold tea. - Trotskyism is a tool of the capitalists ... Leninism is a weapon for the workers! - Leaflet issued by CPGB-ML, 5 July 2012 What is Trotskyism? 1. THEORY OF PERMANENT REVOLUTION. This claims that socialism can only be successful if revolution occurs in all the advanced capitalist countries at once; and that all attempts at building socialism in a single country that has carried out a successful revolution are bound to fail. Since this hypothetical simultaneous revolution has so far failed to materialise in real life (and is unlikely ever to do so), this position simply means that Trotskyists always end up denouncing all the real revolutions that have taken place, and furiously attacking any country that has not only carried out a revolution but actually had the temerity to go on and try to build socialism. 2. ANTI-LENINISM IN ORGANISATION. Leninism calls for the building of a revolutionary, disciplined proletarian revolutionary party, which is able to act with unity and is hostile to opportunist elements. Trotskyism stands for a loose mish-mash of whoever wants to sign up; for reformists and opportunists to be allowed into the ranks of the proletarian party; for the formation of groups, factions and cliques within a single party. No wonder no Trotskyist party has ever led a revolution! 3. HOSTILITY TO LENINIST LEADERS. We are constantly told that Trotsky was the true ‘inheritor’ of Lenin and one of the authors of the Russian revolution, but nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, Trotsky was an enemy of Lenin and Leninism until the eve of the revolution, and only joined the Bolsheviks in 1917 when it was obvious they were going to win. In 1913, Trotsky described Lenin as a "professional exploiter of every kind of backwardness in the Russian working-class movement", and went on to say that the "entire edifice of Leninism at the present time is built on lies and falsification and bears within itself the poisonous elements of its own decay". (Letter to Chkeidze) If Trotsky could express such ill-mannered views about Lenin before the revolution, while doing his best to undermine the building of a truly revolutionary party in Russia, it is not surprising that he went on to shower vile abuse on Lenin’s faithful pupil Stalin after the revolution -- while furiously working to undermine the building of socialism in the USSR that was being led by the Bolshevik party. Trotsky’s attacks on ‘Stalinism’ were actually just the continuation of his lifelong struggle against Leninism. The counter-revolutionary nature of Trotskyism explains why Trotsky is held up to schoolchildren throughout the imperialist world as the ‘real’ revolutionary! Uniting the counter-revolutionaries Because of its reactionary content, Trotskyism inevitably attracted all those elements that were striving to weaken and destroy socialism in the USSR. With a passionate hatred of socialism and workers’ power, these elements strove for the overthrow of the Soviet regime, and, fully backed by imperialism, supported Trotsky abroad after his expulsion from the USSR. And the same type of people have continued to call on workers to rally around Trotskyism, even after it morphed from being a mistaken political trend within the working-class movement into "a frantic and unprincipled gang of wreckers, diversionists, spies and murderers acting on the instructions of the intelligence services of foreign states". (Stalin, March 1937) Ever since then there has been a kind of division of labour between the imperialists and the Trotskyists, who have worked in tandem to slander and defame the Soviet system, its government, its institutions and its leadership -- all so as to belittle and discredit the achievements of socialist construction. Trotsky went to the despicable length of equating fascism with ‘Stalinism’, and imperialists have hung on to that useful slander ever since, using it to confuse workers and combat communist influence. Moreover, Trotsky actually predicted the defeat of the USSR in WWII. He would have been devastated to witness the crowning victory of socialism over fascism, but was saved that final humiliation thanks to his assassination by one of his own followers in Mexico in 1941. Not surprisingly, Trotskyism has supported every counter-revolutionary movement against socialism, from the Hungarian uprising of 1956 and the so-called Prague Spring of 1968 to the counter-revolutions that swept through eastern and central Europe in the late 1980s, and which finally brought down the once great and glorious USSR in 1991. When the Soviet Union collapsed, as a result of the revisionist economic and political policies set in place under Khrushchev after Stalin’s death, Trotskyite organisations went delirious with joy. Beside a photograph of a toppled statute of the great Lenin, the Socialist Worker declared that "Communism has collapsed. It is a fact that should have every socialist rejoicing." It even claimed that Yeltsin’s counter-revolution had brought "the workers of the Soviet Union closer to the spirit of the socialist revolution of 1917, not further form it". (31 August 1991) Two years later, Labour’s 1993 election defeat led the same SWP to suffer a deep "depression" and "post-election demoralisation", declaring that "the election was a disaster for everyone who wants a better society". What could better demonstrate the incurably anti-popular nature of the SWP than its malicious glee at the fall of the Soviet Union and its heart-aching pain at the fourth consecutive electoral defeat of the imperialist Labour party, with its proven track record of attacks on the working class at home and wars against the oppressed peoples abroad? Trotskyism is a thoroughly counter-revolutionary trend marked by double-speak and cynical hypocrisy. It practises sectarianism and factionalism while calling for unity; it supports imperialist wars against the oppressed while mouthing phrases about anti-imperialism; it facilitates attacks on the working class through its cretinous support for the Labour party, while pretending to oppose such attacks; it supports counter-revolutions everywhere in the name of defending revolution. Right in essence and left in form is the best way of describing this malicious tendency, which everywhere sows confusion and division in the working-class movement, making us weaker to defend ourselves against the onslaught of imperialism. If we wish to liberate our world from imperialist exploitation and oppression, we must first rid our movement of all pro-imperialist, social-democratic ideology, not least the r-r-revolutionary garbage of Trotskyism. CPGB ML

Thursday 5 July 2012

A refutation of the reports of the so-called All Parliamentary Group on north Korea"

The ASSPUK, JISGE and UK KFA wish strongly denounce the reports issued by the so-called All Party Parliamentary group on Korea. UK KFA is in no way opposed to genuine friendship and exchange between parliamentarians of the DPRK and UK but the so-called "All Party Parliamentary Group on North Korea" is not doing this rather it is acting as an anti DPRK propaganda outlet. Its recent documents are peppered with slanders and lies about the DPRK socialist system and its supreme leadership. The group includes members of the House of Lords, in fact the chairman and vice-chair are both from the House of Lords How can those who have are not elected criticise the DPRK and call for democracy. The House of Lords is a residual vestige of feudalism and absolutism in the UK . Although the group is supposedly a non partisan group made up of different parties in actual reality it is dominated by right wingers of various . Lord Alton of Liverpool, a Liberal Democrat peer(the Liberal Democrats being the coalition partners of the Conservatives) . Lord Alton is a fervent anti-communist . The background of the vice-chair of the group Baroness Cox is curious to say the least. Supposedly a "crossbench" or non party peer she was previously a Conservative party member. Baroness Cox was one of the founders of the Committee For a Free Britain , once described as the lunatic fringe of the Conservative party. This body was linked to the Thatcher government but also British intelligence. Baroness Cox is an extreme anti-communist having contributed to the book "Rape of Reason " a McCarthy style book in the 1970s attacking so-called Marxist academics and calling for a purge of the universities Ms Cox was heavily involved in supporting counter revolutionary dissidents in the socialist countries with a view to destroying these countries. The "Executive Intelligence Review" even alleges that she was the British intelligence liasion with the counter- revolutionary Solidarnosc movement. One of the latest exploits of Baroness Cox was to invite Dutch far rightist politican Gert Wilders to the UK. Thus with such a person in a leading position within the group objectivity, fairness and impartiality cannot be expected. It is not unsurprising that they the All Party group invited Park Sun-Young from the far right wing party Liberty Forward party in south Korea, which is actually further to the right than the ruling Saenuri party. Park is well known for anti-communism and anti DPRK activities. Thus inviting her to speak on the DPRK is a bit like inviting the EDL or the BNP to speak on Islamic culture in Britain. Ms Park seemed to have a poor grasp of reality and understanding of history. In her speech she referred to Kim Jong Il ruling the DPRK with " an iron fist " for 37 years. This makes no sense. It can be said that comrade Kim Jong Il lead the DPRK for 17 years since President Kim Il Sung died. Comrade Kim Jong Il became chairman of the National Defence Commission in 1993 (19 years ago) and supreme commander of the KPA in 1991 (21 years ago) but where on earth does the figure of 37 years come from ? Predictably the same old rubbish about human rights and prison camps is wheeled out. Of course Ms Pak has actually seen such things. She claims that the DPRK regularly carry out public executions . However why aren-t these on KCTV or in KCNA and Rodong Sinmun . Ms Pak significantly does not name the places in the DPRK where the alleged public executions are carried out. Ms Pak goes on about prison camps . Delegations of the UK KFA and JISGE had never seen a prison camp in the DPRK. The stories about prison camps have been refuted in the book "Behind the Mirror of Lies " . Ms Pak talks a lot about defections and defections. Here is what one so-called defector had to say about defection "The defectors are dirty human scum who harbor grudge against the DPRK system or committed crimes in the DPRK before fleeing it. They are desperately escalating confrontation with the DPRK for getting some money in return for pleasing the south Korean conservative group. Now the south Korean "government" authorities leave no stone unturned in their anti-DPRK propaganda. Those disguised as "red cross organization" and "volunteering servants" allure "defectors from the north" with money and let them make invectives slandering the DPRK and justifying south Korean society and even stage demonstrations chanting anti-DPRK slogans. People do not want to go there because they are aware that they were aimed to abet anti-DPRK confrontation with false stories and fabrications and they often ended up in chaos. That is why the authorities cook up such methods as alluring the defectors with money. One time south Korean media loudly asserted that "defectors from the north" who went to China were taken back to the north. Later, it was disclosed that the authorities cooked up the story for anti-DPRK propaganda by using the names of those who went abroad unable to live in south Korea or were already dead. Asked how they came to south Korea, one man said that he was allured by a lump sum and expensive materials at a restaurant and another said that he went to a toilet being drunken and somebody threatened him to go to south Korea. There was even a man who said he was tempted by women. There were many other reasons. In fact, the worst human rights abuser is none other than the Lee Myung Bak group. The Lee group is now persistently vociferating about the issue of "defectors" and making desperate efforts to defame the DPRK by use of human scum. But, it is a foolish action." This is a quote from Pak Jong Suk who was tricked and co-erced into going tosouth Korea but recently returned to the DPRK Rather than being a "gigantic prison camp ", as Ms Park Sun Young, alleges the DPRK is a land of creativity and happiness. The delegation of the JISGE witnessed this during our visit to the DPRK in April . People gladly celebrated the 100th birth anniversary of the great leader President Kim Il Sung, . Rather than a giant prison camp we saw many happy and vigorous people celebrating. We saw the mass soirĂ©e of youth and students on Kim Il Sung square and one of our delegation actually participated in it. If the DPRK is a prison camp why bother to mobilise people through ideology ? The DPRK has a Juche-orientated and people centred socialist system of a Korean style. This guarantees people's human rights. People get free housing, free education and free health care. The right to work is constitutionally guaranteed. Unlike the capitalist countries such as the UK where parliament is corrupted and dominated by capitalists, the DPRK has a genuine people's democracy , a socialist democracy based on Juche . People have to the right to vote at 17 and to be elected (article 66 of the constitution) this contrasts to the minimum voting age of 18 and minimum age for MPs of 21 in the UK. In the DPRK deputies to the Supreme Peoples Assembly are accountable to their electors and deputies may be recalled at any time if they lose the confidence of their electors (article 7) no such provision exists in the UK or other capitalist countries. It has to be said in passing that there is a certain irony in some parliamentarians lambasting the DPRK over 'democracy' etc. These are the people who have incomes of £65000 per year plus expenses plus in many cases directorships and consultancies.Lord Alton and Baroness Cox , not not actually elected by anyone as members of the House of Lords, can receive £300 a day in expenses . It is well known that MPs were caught out fiddling their expenses in some cases on a massive scale. The report of the so-called "All Party Parliamentary Group " is slanders and lies about the DPRK . It is evident the intention of the so called all party group is to force the DPRK into 'reform' and 'opening up' in order to subvert and destroy the socialist system of the DPRK. All true friends of the DPRK must fight to expose their anti DPRK manoeuvres. ASSPUK JISGE UK KFA